Which got me to asking my husband how do the people stand it in Brazil with no AC? I mean we take it for granted in the US you can pick up a small air conditioner that will do you living room for around a $150.00. He just smiles, he knows us Americans are spoiled. Think about it Rio De Janeiro with no AC UGGGHHHH not going to lie Fck that. No wonder every square inch of the beach if filled with glistening bodies stacked like sardines one on top of the other. How does anyone breathe? That is why we are buying a new air conditioning/heating unit that is portable that covers a large area. It also has ventilation. I don't plan on running it except on really hot days but I need it as back up just in case mold starts growing. Another thing on my long list.
Which brings me to my latest purchase. This is why I am beginning to fall in love with the US all over again. She's coming back to me baby :) The stuff you can get to make your life comfortable I just love this country. When I came home singing its praises the other night my husband said ya you mean the country that consumes more than any other country on the planet? Or the country that uses third world countries to make it products? He likes to knock me down to size when I lose it. TRUE, TRUE, all true, and I do get disappointed as I read my latest Noam Chomsky book. But then I say to myself I can't control it. I'm not going to change it and I'm not going to start a revolution. All I can do is take care of my family and try to help those I come in contact with. And I'll be honest its hard when your on the receiving end of something that is good to want to stop it no matter what the injustices 5,000 miles away. So lets not even get into Apple factories right now or the fact that I would love to boycott them while at the same time buy myself an Ipad. I know other Americans understand what I'm talking about. Give a hollar if you want to. That is a subject for another post.
My recent purchase is the balls its a remake of a bean bag chair but this one is 7 feet long it can sit three people across its like a bean bag couch. It can also be used as a bed. And you can stand it up and make it like a recliner. Here is the website I bought one in bright turquoise blue http://www.yogibo.com if you don't mind paying customs it so worth it. Once you see it you realize the applications are endless, and I love lounging even though I bought it for my daughter who I guarantee will be loving this thing long into college. You can get replacement beads, and new covers in different colors so it lasts. It also has a warranty but unfortunately I will not be able to enforce it in Brazil which sucks because it wasn't cheap. But I love it. I imagine her whole play room filled with them for her and friends to lay in. In fact I am thinking about getting another one.

Anyway we have been enjoying it as a family. And it made me think how great it is that I love here (right now). That is one thing I do love about the US I have to admit the endless amount of different cool, fascinating, cutting edge, make your life easier things that the US has. I think it would be hard for people from other countries to really understand what its like in the United States unless they have been there. Not saying they don't have beanbags down there. And please correct me if they do have this, but even if they do I now no one could afford it except the very well off. Where as in the US regular joes with a job can buy this. And I'm not materialistic and I'm not one of those over consumers that just buy to buy. But once you've had it like this its hard to get it all out of your system and go somewhere that is well a little bare? I like when inspiration hits me to be jump up and try something new. I have lots of choices and the prices are reasonable due to free trade. If I wanted to get this in Brazil the customs would be so ridiculous it would make it not worth buying which for an American is so disappointing.
That has been a hard realization for me. My husband knows this. I say where am I going to get clothes? I'm tall I have like a 34" inseam (i'm almost 6 feet) they just started making pance long enough for me in cool styles in the US like 15 years ago. For years I couldn't get jeans long enough or sleeves and it sucked. So I know that Brazil does not have this market. That's annoying to me. I will always have to buy all my clothes in America. And lets not get into shoes, the bras which I heard are horrendous or anything else that women love that remains to be seen.
Ya YA I know whiny American whining about problems like this when people have it so much worse. I have heard it all before, I have debated it all and theorized about it all. Believe me I am grateful for my life. I'm very lucky. All I can do is live the life I was given and try to help others as well.