Saturday, September 28, 2013

Brazil needs to pay attention to the poor its their eyesore

I have been a outspoken critic of the Brazilian health care system.  When I heard that people die in the emergency room.  That they have to wait for days just to look at a simple infection.  I really feel for the poor Brazilians that have to endure the 3rd world standards of the health care system.  They are the forgotten people.  A left over legacy of slavery.  The majority of the Brazilians poorest communities are black is that a coincidence.   Did you know that Brazil imported more slaves than any other country?  Did you also know they were the last to make it illegal?  Because wealthy land owners didn't want to give up free labor. Its something that permeates to this day revealed in the fact it has the highest economic disparity in the whole hemisphere.  But what bothers me most about Brazil is the lack of political correctness the lack of caring.  In a country with such a long way to go with so much bad infrastructure and the problems with inflation and the low grade health care.  Brazil should exhibit more humility.

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